The Moore County Airport is a publicly-owned and operated airport operated for the convenience and benefit of the public by the Moore County Airport Authority. The Moore County Airport Authority meets the second Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the airline terminal conference room at the Moore County Airport. The meeting is open to the public, and public expertise and opinions are eagerly solicited.

Adam Kiker – Chairman
Appointed to the Moore County Airport Authority in April 2022.
Adam Kiker is a Founding Partner of LKC Engineering based in Aberdeen, North Carolina. He has been a resident of Moore County since 2005 following his studies at North Carolina State University (NCSU) where he earned his bachelor’s and master’s degree in aerospace engineering.
He currently serves as a member of the Executive Committee for Partners in Progress Moore County Economic Development. His company has been instrumental in the design planning for multiple community projects including the site design for the Pinehurst Brewing Company, development of the McDeeds Creek, Aberdeen and Southern Pines Elementary Schools, the newly completed Pinehurst Medical and Pinehurst Surgical complex on Morganton Road, and the future United States Golf Association Pinehurst headquarters.
Ken Haenlein – Vice Chairman

Tom McPherson – Treasurer

Eugene Horne – Secretary
Appointed to the Moore County Airport Authority in September 2022
Eugene Horne, a longtime resident of Pinehurst, North Carolina, is a former executive with The Pantry, Inc. which was headquartered in Sanford, NC. He retired as president of the company following 25 years with the organization. Horne later developed several regional Convenience stores in North Carolina before officially retiring to Pinehurst. He has been an active member of the Board of Trustees of Sandhills Community College for several years, where he currently serves as Chairman of the Finance Committee. Horne was born in Danville, Virginia, and was a Business Administration graduate from East Carolina University in Greenville, NC.

Spencer Roland Gilliam – Member
Appointed to the Moore County Airport Authority in December 2021
Roland Gilliam is the developer/owner of the Carthage Airport, in North Carolina. His construction background spans most of his career and he was responsible for multiple housing projects in the Southeast. He moved to Pinehurst, North Carolina in 1975 and was the primary builder for Pinehurst Area Realty for over 12 years. He currently oversees the operations for the airport in Carthage and associated businesses that includes a recreational vehicle park adjacent to the airport property. Gilliam, is the project manager and landlord for famed Pik N Pig restaurant on the airport property that is currently being rebuilt following a fire in 2021.
A Federal Aviation Administration Master Pilot, Gilliam has been a pilot for 63 years, and maintains a multi-engine commercial rating.