As of Friday, September 15, our Runway lighting project has been completed!
This means that the NOTAM has been canceled, and the runway will remain open 24 hours a day.
The Airport will close at 5pm on Dec 24th and closed all day Christmas Day. After hours will be available for a fee and by request.
As of Friday, September 15, our Runway lighting project has been completed!
This means that the NOTAM has been canceled, and the runway will remain open 24 hours a day.
Our runway rehabilitation began January 16th, 2023. This is an exciting project that will greatly improve our runway and taxiways. Associated with these improvements will be the inconvenience of periodic taxiway and runway closures. We will do our best to minimize the impact this will have. The first phase will focus on our taxiways which will require some back taxi, but the runway will continue to be accessible.
Appropriate NOTAMS will be posted as the project progresses.
Please contact Ron Maness (Office 910-692-3212 x 1002 or Mobile 910-638-3017) with any questions you may have. Thank you for your patience and corporation during these improvements.
July 3rd Update
We received final confirmation that the runway night closures will be in effect from July 10 through September 12, 8:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. each day.
A NOTUM has been issued.
If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact us.
June 26th Update
There will be a night runway closure this Wednesday the 28th, from 8:00pm to 1:00am Thursday morning. This closure will have a PPR (Prior Permission Request). If you’ll be conducting night operations on Wednesday evening, into Thursday morning, please contact Paul and he will give the contractor your flight information, for clearance.
June 23rd Update
Starting Monday, July 10th through Tuesday, September 12th, the runway will be closed every night, from 8:00pm until 7:00am the following morning. This will be 62 consecutive night closures to replace all runway lights and signage.
June 15th Update
Taxiway Bravo 1, and Taxiway Alpha starting at Bravo 1 to the Runway 5 approach end – 1 starting Saturday, June 17, from 7:00 a.m., ending July 7, at 8:00 p.m.
Runway 23 End will end tomorrow, Friday, June 16, at 8:00 p.m.
June 9th Update
As of this Thursday afternoon, June 8th, all of the taxiways are open except Bravo 2. Starting 7:00am on Tuesday June 13th until 8:00pm Friday June 16, the following taxiways will be closed:
Taxiway Alpha will be closed between taxiway Echo and runway 23 approach end (taxiway Echo remains open).
Taxiway Foxtrot will be closed as well.
June 5th Update
Continuing with our Runway Lighting Rehab project, we have additional runway and taxiway closures coming up:
Evening Runway Closures: June 7, from 7:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., and June 8, from 7:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.,
Taxiway Closures: June 5, starting at 7:00 a.m. through June 12, 7:00 a.m. – Taxiway Alpha between Foxtrot to Runway 23; and Taxiways Echo and Bravo 2 remain closed
NOTAMs are being issued for these closures.
May 30th Update
Taxiways A, C, and D are now open, except for taxiway B-2, which will remain closed.
Starting May 31st at 7:00am local, ending June 15th at 6:00pm local, taxiway Alpha will be closed, between, taxiway Delta and Foxtrot, this will close taxiway Echo. Delta and Foxtrot remain open. The notam for the new closure has been issued.
May 3rd Update
Our lighting project has officially started.
The runway will be closed from 8pm to 7am local, starting Tuesday May 9 through Friday May 12.
A NOTAM will be posted today, May 3.
April 24th Update
Starting on April 25th at 7:00 a.m., through May 29th (35 days), Taxiway Alpha will be closed from Bravo 2 to the intersection of Taxiway Echo.
Taxiway Echo will remain open. However, Bravo 2, Charlie and Delta Taxiways will be closed. The Notam has been issued for this closure.
March 14th Update
Starting on Monday March 20th thru Friday March 24th, we will have taxiway closures from 2pm to 6pm and runway closures from 6pm to midnight each day. The runway closures will be with a “PPR” Prior Permission Request for usage. Please contact Paul for the PPR, as he’ll be the contact for the contractors.
Taxiway Closures: Monday the 20th Alpha will be closed, north of taxiway Delta to runway 23 end. Paul doesn’t have any information as of now, for the next section of taxiway closure, he’ll get it out asap.
Thanks for your patience!
March 7th Update
On Tuesday March 7th, Bravo 1 taxiway will be closed for 3 or 4 hours, starting at 8:00am. Tentatively, on Wednesday March 8th, Bravo 2 taxiway will be closed for 48 hours, starting at 8:00am. At no time, will Bravo 1 & 2 be closed at the same time. Moving forward, the week of March 20th, will start the final phase of the runway taxiway rehab. Unfortunately, this will have runway closures with a “PPR” (Prior Permission Request) attached to the Notam. The idea of the PPR is coming and going, with 2 plus hours in between. Ideally, we need to try to give the contractor as much time on the runway, to finish up as quickly as possible.
February 21st Update
Starting at 8:00 am on Tuesday the 21st, until 6:00 pm, taxiway Alpha will be closed, between taxiway Charlie to runway 23 end. Taxiway Charlie will remain open.
February 20th Update
Starting at 10:00 am on Monday the 20th, taxiway Alpha will be closed between taxiway Delta to runway 23 end. Taxiway Delta will remain open. This is the latest information – subject to change.
February 1st Update
Update on our Runway Project – the runway will remain open thru Sunday, February 5th.
Our next scheduled closures are: Monday, 2/6, Tuesday, 2/7, and Wednesday, 2/8. The closures times each day are, 7:00am local to 6:00pm local or (1200Z to 2300Z).
This is subject to change, per weather conditions.
January 30th Update
In looking at the weather forecast for this coming week, we decided that due to the prediction of rain, construction would be delayed until the weather improved. As such, the runway will remain open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (1/30, 31 and Feb. 1) this coming week.
Currently the runway is scheduled to close this Thursday at 7:00 am.We will keep you updated on progress, your patience is appreciated.